In my preliminary task, I think my group done considerably well and I think it looked acceptable. However, with making the thriller, we have learnt so much more than we did with the prelim.
Comparing skills between the PRELIM and the THRILLER OPENING:

Below is the analysis of the prelim. Although it took some work to get all of this done, it did not take half the time that it took my group and I to get the research for the Thriller done. For the Prelim, we did no have to do much research. In fact, we just got on with the work and we did some analysing (as seen below) after we had done everything.

Comparing the research and planning that we did for the prelim with the research and planning that we did for the thriller opening is quite hard because the thriller opening was a much bigger project. We spent a lot more time on the thriller which really helped us to improve our research skills but also our overall knowledge on the thriller genre. I spent many weeks getting some research done on thrillers and things like target audiences. I made sure that I knew everything before I went on to making and planning my thriller with my group.

We had to do a big amount of research in order to make our thriller opening good. These screenshots show some of the planning that I done about thrillers and also some of the initial ideas that my group and I had before we decided on which idea we were going to go for. The research was also in much more depth as we had to think about EVERYTHING!
Also, in the thriller opening, we had to worry about things like what mise-en-scene and props we had to use because we wanted to make it look as realistic as possible. We had to plan out what the characters were going to wear and what the house would have to look like in order to transmit the feelings we wanted. Whereas in the prelim, it was much easier as we did it in college and we had to work with what we had as opposed to what we wanted to work with.

This is one of our match cuts from our prelim. At the time, we thought the match cut looked fantastic. The experience we had compared to the experience we have with programmes like Final Cut Pro now was minimal so I think that we actually did quite well.
The lighting was not the best and the types of shot was also not the best. We used a long shot in order to show the whole of Giselle's body. However, if it was now, we might have used a medium shot that would make it look more professional as well as showing Giselle's face more clearly.
Also, we have definitely developed our titles. In the prelim, they are very simple and it did not take a very long time to get done. When we were doing these titles, we had recently learnt how to put titles into our work. Since then we have had time to improve on that and the titles in our thriller came out much better.

This is one of the match cuts from our thriller opening. Immediately, we can see the huge improvement from the match cut in the prelim.
It looked very effective on the cinema screen and it definitely made our film look much better and diverse shot wise. Because we are now more precise and we have more practise with using all the tools on Final Cut Pro, we were able to make it extremely precise and the timing to be perfect.

We learnt that the match cuts really help to make it look so much more professional and interesting for the audience because it helps the action to happen faster which is perfect for thrillers.
By making our thrillers, we also learnt how to film better and what would look better on a screen. In these screenshots above, they look a bit dark and it is very hard to see the characters face, which is crucial. With our thriller, we made sure that the lighting was perfect because we may not have another opportunity to re-shoot it.
The storyboard for the prelim and the storyboard for our thriller opening are completely different.

The first storyboard shown above is the one for our prelim. It is not very detailed and we decided to use real life pictures instead of doing things like drawing out the whole storyboard because we thought that would take more time and concentration. Although this storyboard has the description of each shot, the storyboard for our thriller opening was much more detailed because we decided to draw it out and it took us half of one of our 1 hour 40 minutes lessons to do so whereas we managed to get the other one done very quickly.
The editing process for our thriller opening was also much better compared to the editing we did for our prelim. Although we took much longer, it was much more precise and we made sure everything was perfect. The editing was also easier when we were editing our thriller although it was more nerve racking. We were already very accustomed to the equipment and the programmes so it made it easier to get what we wanted done.
When we were filming the prelim, we were not as comfortable with each other as we were when we were filming the thriller opening. This is mainly because we had spent more time with eachother. Also, when we filmed the prelim, it only took us a lesson to film it, whereas it took us three days of filming together to get the thriller opening done.
We made sure we had a schedule to make sure that everyone had fair work and that a certain person was not doing more work compared to other people in the group.
This was our production schedule. We created this for our thriller opening filming times so that we were organised. We worked as a team to come up with this schedule and we wanted to make sure that everyone in the group was happy with it.
On certain days of filming, two of us would take the equipment back to college, and then we would swap. We done this and it helped our group to get stronger because we knew we could depend on each other.

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