The target audience for many Thrillers is 18+, this is because of the violent content in many Thrillers and sometimes confusing story lines. The disturbing content may be to traumatic for younger viewers to watch and the narratives might be a bit to confusing for them to comprehend.

We thought aiming our target audience at ages 18-25 would be very suitable as the content and language might get quit explicit later on the film, we needed to aim in at a mature audience.
As the main character in our Thriller is a female, because of this we thought that we should aim our Thriller specifically at females aged 18-25. As they may be able to relate to the main character perhaps more than a male could. Also the main characters in the film are both females and would share the same ages as our the audience watching.
This is some feedback I got from my class after we presented our finished Thriller to them. We got a lot of positive feedback and in detail about what people enjoyed about it. Personal opinions from our class mates are shared in the video.
We (Giselle and I) created a social networking account for a member of our target audience.
We created what we thought their Facebook would look like and the kind of interests, hobbies and personality they would have.

I thought that this selection of interests would be appropriate as it makes the individual seem interested in Thrillers and music that may be considered quite 'dark'. Also I thought it was very important not to make her seem like and average 18 year old, her interest in musicians like 'Frank Ocean' and movies like 'The Roommate and Dirty Dancing' and also TV programmes like 'Charmed and True Blood' communicate this.

It was very important for her to show an interest in the opening of the thriller 'Captive'.
We thought that it would be beneficial to add a more visual representation of what the target audience of the film might be like. So we created a Tumblr to accompany her Facebook profile so that the personality of our Target Audience would be clearer.

The page displays her taste in music through pictures of her favourite music artists.
Artists like 'Lana Del Rey' make music that is described by a lot of the general public as depressing, this reinforces the idea that she would enjoy our thriller and films of the genre in general as people could also describe as somewhat depressing to watch.
Similar to the Facebook page, we allowed her Tumblr to look vibrant and perhaps 'girly' but still thought it was necessary to give it a 'dark' edge, this allows our target audience to seem like and average 18 year old, but still someone that would take an interest in thriller films.
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